
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Catch the Reading Fever This Summer!

Hoping to get your kiddo reading more this summer? Try some of these summer reading tips on for size! Your child may not even realize he or she is practicing to become a better reader!

1.) Mail Man Alert! Have your child distribute the mail to its' intended recipient. When junk mail comes around, give it to your child. Have them circle any words that they know from the junk mail and read it to you! Then you can help your child learn the words that they didn't know. This helps to build a stronger vocabular and accuracy!

2.) In the grocery store? This is a great time to read! Have your child read the aisles to you and assist you in where you might find a specific item. Children can read nutrition labels, boxes...anything! All you have to do is encourage them to "help" you on your shopping trip!

3.) Stay up late! Allow your child to stay up later on a summer evening to read (no, not to play games...)!

4.) Have a hammock? Let your child pick a special book and lay in the hammock to get some R & R (Relaxing and Reading) !

5.) If you have a Nook, Kindle, or iPad, help your child to choose a book online!

If you have more tips you'd like to share, feel free to comment below! Happy summer everyone!