
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mystery Message Revealed!

We did it! My 3rd graders worked hard to receive their newest "Mystery Message!" I keep the message above the board and have students guess a letter each time they earn a compliment or work extra hard! We have our own version of "Wheel of Fortune" letter-guessing:) Every time one letter is guessed, we see how many times it is used in the message.

 The message revealed today was Dizzy Mummy, which is a Minute-to-Win-It challenge. If you would like to use it, click here .
We pulled out rolls and rolls of toilet paper and completed the challenge of creating a "mummy" out of each student without breaking the toilet paper.

I can testify that it truly made us dizzy as we wrapped the toilet paper 'round and 'round our friends' bodies!

My little mummies were all smiles during this eventful activity!

1 comment:

  1. Morning Jen!! Thank you for visiting my blog and I decided that I would take a peak and leave a comment on your blog - instead of just replying to your comment. Those pics are adorable & it looks like you had a blast!

    Having a new blog is always tough at first, but there are many ways to increase your following. Leaving comments with a link on other blogs is a great way, which you are already doing.. I also suggest having a giveaway, linky or challenge that will give other bloggers incentive to come to your blog... Another way is to offer the best of yourself...if you are great in technology...share your knowledge girl...if that is not your strength,,, share what is unique to you. You are completely awesome and I am sure you have many things that others would love to learn or see. The best way to get new followers is...offer freebies that are useful...Teachers love free stuff (I know because I am was the expert at finding the freebies while I worked at a private school...hahaha). I also read other blogs, tips and tutorials.

    Add Google Ads to you blog, which will bring in a little traffic.

    I noticed that you don't have a button - if you have a special image that you would like to use for your button, send it my way and I can create a button for you. I will also feature your blog!
    Barbara over at Grade ONEderful did the same for me when I only had 3 followers and she basically put me on the map!!! You should def. visit her blog as well - she has such great resources and is always so kind!!

    email me your pic. if you would like me to creat a button for you

    The 3AM Teacher
