
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweet Surprise!

As my husband and I were visiting my family over the weekend, we decided to go on a walk. In my small hometown, everybody knows everybody, which is nice... to some extent ;) We strolled past my old friends' houses, our tiny park that features a slide and 4 swings, and not one- but TWO gas stations that run alongside the highway. As I rambled on about things my friends and I used to do, we suddenly found ourselves turning the corner to the road that my second grade teacher lives on. I guess we were just at the right place at the right time. We spotted her in her front yard-gardening gloves on and dirt on her knees. What a sweet surprise on my Saturday! My husband laughed at me as I practically ran down the sidewalk to greet her :)

We all have people who have helped to shape us to become the people we are today. Many of us are fortunate enough to have several special people in our lives. Well, my second grade teacher is the one who put me on the path to my career choice. I have been given multiple opportunities to express this to her, and I urge you to let those who have positively impacted your life know the difference they have made. Who knows? Maybe that is just what that person needs to hear today!

Just wondering...did anyone else "play school?"  I remember rushing home to my bedroom and preparing to "teach" a class of my own. The place where I slept would suddenly transform itself into a working classroom.  I had a gradebook, chalkboard and dry-erase board, teacher's edition manuals, a desk, and random #1 Teacher objects all around my room. I knew at the age of 8 that I would someday become a teacher. Thank you, Mrs. Musselman, for inspiring me. Thank you also to my family, who constantly encouraged me to achieve my dream. :) The only thing that made this Saturday even sweeter were the homemade ice cream sandwiches my mom made us! Yum!

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