
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Countdown to Summer: Day 13

We popped our number 13 day balloon today as we continue our Countdown to Summer! The message read: Today you receive a tasty snack! Lucky you! My students cheered loudly as I passed out mini Oreos. They are liking this whole balloon-popping idea!

Also-I tried out a new idea (well, new to me that is!) posted by 5th Grade Rocks 5th Grade Rolls. I tested out the Magic Piece of Trash method this week with my 3rd graders. WOW! Let me tell you: this WORKS!!! It was amazing! All I had to do was utter these wonderful words: There is a Magic Piece of Trash on the ground. Who will find it? In the blink of an eye, students were trash collectors, asking, "Is this it, Mrs. Watkins? Is this the Magic Piece of Trash?" My floor went from less-than-impressive to being unable to find a shred of paper on the ground. That makes me one happy teacher!

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